Kelley Alumni Spotlight – Julia Rubenstein

UCS: Could you provide a brief overview of your career journey after graduating from the Kelley School of Business? What positions or roles have you held? 

Julia: I started my career at EY as a Tax Staff. I spent about a year and a half in this position. I then moved to Grant Thornton as a University Recruiter. This is where I have spent the last two years of my career. 

UCS: What inspired you to pursue a career in your current industry? Was there a specific experience or moment that sparked your interest? 

Julia: I found that my passion lay in working with people. I love to help people find what interests them, places they can see themselves, and people they resonate with. These loves led me to campus recruiting. I also led recruiting for Women in Business while at Indiana and loved getting to meet prospective members and operationally lead the process. 

UCS: How did your education at Kelley prepare you for your role? 

Julia: My Kelley education gave me the soft skills to be extremely successful in my role. I learned how to communicate with all levels, how to work well on teams, and how to present to various crowds. These are all important aspects of my job. The Excel classes were also quite helpful in both my roles post-college. 

UCS: What specific skills or knowledge from your Kelley education have been most valuable in your career? 

Julia: The connections I made during my time at Kelley have elevated my current role. I am the lead recruiter for Indiana at GT. The relationships I made with Kelley faculty and staff have allowed me to build specific programs and relationships for GT. 

UCS: Can you share a highlight or accomplishment you are proud of?  

Julia: This fall I took over leading Strategy recruiting for all of University Recruiting. We had a record number of applicants and interviews for the internship and full-time positions. I worked extremely hard with my team and the Strategy leaders to ensure we recruited high-quality students and had a seamless interview process. We filled our targets with incredible talent. I am very proud of the changes I made to ensure a successful recruiting season for the Strategy practice. 

UCS: What advice would you give to current Kelley students who are considering a career in your industry? 

Julia: Recruiting is a place you can start after college, but it is also a great second job. I find that my experience in public accounting allows me to better relate to students since I understand the jobs they are interested in. I also have very strong project management skills that allow me to be successful in my role. Remember that most work or volunteer experiences will provide you with transferable skills that all careers will value! 

UCS: How has networking and building connections played a role in your career advancement? Any tips for students on effective networking? 

Julia: Absolutely! The relationships I made in college have allowed me to be extremely successful as the Indiana recruiter. I have grown GT’s involvement in Kelley through the relationships I had previously as a student. Remember that everyone you encounter in college, you may encounter later in life. They may become bosses, clients, or people that can help you grow your career. 

UCS: In your opinion, what are the current trends or challenges in your industry that students should be aware of? 

Julia: Recruiting for accounting roles has enrollment challenges. Accounting majors have decreased across the country so that leaves us with a smaller pool of students to hire. This definitely gives accounting majors a leg up since there are many different firms looking for a small group of accounting students! 

UCS: Can you describe a typical day or week in your current role? What are the main tasks and responsibilities you handle? 

Julia: I co-lead internship and first year recruiting for the Chicago office. In this role, I lead recruiting efforts at Indiana and Notre Dame. I also co-plan interviews and office visits. I co-lead our Winter and Summer internship programs. I lead Strategy recruiting across the nation. Finally, I work on our recruiting operations team to create and improve processes for the recruiting team. My day differs depending on the season. During fall and spring recruiting, you can usually find me on-campus running events, whether that be attending a Networking Night, presenting to a student organization, or tabling in the lobby of Hodge Hall. During the summer, I run our internship program which includes leading orientation, planning social and networking events, and getting to know our interns. Outside of those periods, I spent a lot of my time in my email inbox responding to students, coordinating interviews, planning for upcoming recruiting seasons, and working on operations projects. 

UCS: How do you maintain a work-life balance in a demanding industry? Any strategies or tips you would like to share? 

Julia: I am fortunate to be a part of a team that prioritizes work-life balance. I work to prioritize tasks so that I understand which things are high priority and which ones can wait until the next day (or week, or month!). During peak recruiting season, I definitely work more hours, but I do my best to build in rest times. This might include walking from my hotel to an event in order to get some fresh air or scheduling time where I am unplugged from my computer. 

UCS: Is there anything else you would like to share with current Kelley students who are exploring different industries and career paths? 

Julia: Talk to as many people as you can! The more you can learn from others, the more career paths you will learn about. 

By Muge Tuna
Muge Tuna Director of Employer Engagement & Strategic Partnerships